Implications of a machine economy

TagData Marketplace

Natural ecosystems to inspire machine ecosystems

The Machine Economy track at the 2018 Blockchaingers Hackathon asks teams to build a machine-to-machine-ecosystem, that disrupts our current system, and that is beneficial to society. This is not an easy task and it can be hard knowing where to start. Maybe nature can provide some inspiration. Let’s look at how ecosystems are organized, and how nature is abundant towards all participants...

Biomimicry: information and the Machine Economy

The Machine Economy track on the world’s largest blockchain Hackathon challenges you to go way beyond the current paradigm. But how do you rethink a future ecosystem? Nature could be inspiration. It’s been scrumming and iterating its ecosystems for 3.8 billion years. There’s some interesting concepts to be learned from it, through Biomimicry. Biomimicry Biomimicry means learning...

Implications of a machine economy